If you want to see what the formal dining room looked like before go here. I really did like the room before. I just felt a change was needed, and wanted it to coordinate with my sitting room here, (scroll down).
The items in my home are my treasures. My treasures are vintage, antique, almost new, and may only be beautiful to me, but they each have their own story.
When I redecorate, I incorporate my "treasures" into the design. Do you do this? Do you have things you LOVE and just have to make them part of the design, or do you start totally new? I can't start new. It's not me. Read on, and I'll share.
My seashells...
...fill the base of a very large glass vase. A reminder of wonderful vacations with Mr. Pink Heaven, and my children. Laughter, relaxation, love, and warmth are inside this vase.
The walls have been painted a soothing pale shade of blue and new white flowers top off the seashells. I reupholstered the chair backs in the same fabric as the sitting room couch. I actually haven't recovered the seat cushions yet. Because I like to mix and match, I am looking for a darker blue in the same hue as the walls. What to you think?
The antique chandelier (70 years old) from my husband's grandmother's living room. The stories of his childhood, hang from our dining room's ceiling.
More of my treasures include...
Remember the inspiration picture?
Vintage teacups.....
...that once belonged to two of my great aunts. They were Norwegian immigrants who homesteaded on the Midwestern prairie. I'm sure the teacups can tell many stories. Another treasure, a coffee pot painted by my husband's great aunt.
Three generations of vintage plates on my wall. A plate from my mother's first set of plates, a plate from my grandmother's dishes, and another from my great grandmother. Can you hear the families gathering around the table? Children laughing? Families praying? My great grandmother had 13 children. It's a miracle the bottom plate, which is hers, survived.
Now, I said my formal dining room was almost done. Besides the bottom chair cushions, I also need to sew drapes, curtains, and/or valances. I'm not sure what I want. Any suggestions? Take a look at the windows.
I really don't need to cover the windows, as I live out in the country. It doesn't matter to me if the cows look in, ha! The window on the left side of the room looks into the sun room. I'm sure there are many great ideas out there. Help me out!
Happy Mothers Day!
Blessings to all of you,
Ele, I really love it, honey. The cool blue looks so pretty. It just looks sooooo YOU, sugar. Gonna go look again.
Ooooh so pretty! I love the pale blue...so soothing! And the floral painting with the white frame- just lovely!
Hi Ele,
I love the colour, it is just so calming, I love the fact that you have so many things passed down from your family, that is wonderful. I had to laugh at the picture in my head of the cow looking in through the window while everyone was sitting around the table eating dinner. LOL
Cheers Linda
Oh, Ele, it's just beautiful! In the second picture, I can see the back of a chair and the material is gorgeous! The history in your dining room is delightful. Thanks for sharing this with us.
It is absolutely lovely Elle!!!!
Happy Mother's Day!!
It is such an elegant looking room that I see silk draperies in the same blue as the walls. You wouldn't ever have to close them, as I am sure the cows would want to be able to gaze upon the lovely 'new' room. You did a wonderful job.
These photos are so beautiful, and very inspirational to me as I compose your sweet tweet swap parcel! Thanks for sharing your beautiful room. Like you, we don't need to cover our windows with curtains, but for a different reason - French houses all have outside shutters. I've just started my giveaway of French and Scottish treasures, so do come over and enter if you'd like...
Ele, I LOVE your dining room makeover! The soft blue is just so calming and restful. Love the new fabric on the chairs. Beautiful room.
It's lovely Ele, and I'm getting into soft blues as well. Your history was such a delight to hear about. Love that chandelier, and plates. I think you did a wonderful job. I think I would go with the old fahioned drop to the floor drapes, in attic white. But whatever you do I know it will be perfect. Great job! Pearl
WOW! It's PERFECT, Ele! So soothing and beautiful and wonderfully put together! You have a real knack for giving everything you touch elegance and grace, and STILL keeping it inviting! I LOVE it!
Oh I love all your pretties. I think the darker blue on the chairs would look nice. I definitely say don't cover the whole window if you don't want to or have to :)
All the best,
Hello again, and thanks so much for entering my giveaway and leaving a link!
YOur dinning room is turning out wonderfully. I love the color blue you choose. I wouldnt hang anything heavy on those windows.. Id go light and breezy.. and just frame the window. You wouldnt want to block your views. What about a crocheted lace valance with some sort of a little, soft flowery swag woven in across the top?
Ele, it is fabulous!!!!!! I LOVE the color!!! I am so into blue and aqua right now :)
I hope you had a beautiful Mother's Day!
I love the color! The new mirrored dresser is gorgeous, but the painting above it is lovely!
I am gasping--this room looks soooooooo goegous! WOW!
Just beautiful! I love that shade of blue! I've been wanting to paint my office/craft room that color:)
Hello Ele, I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Your dining room is beautiful! It' so light, bright and pretty! I love your teacups and the coffee pot is stunning!
I think it's perfect just the way it is!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Your room is stunning! It is so elegant, yet simple at the same time and I love the color. You have quite the talent!
Hi Ele, Love your room makeover. I love that blue as I also used it for awhile in a guestroom. So soft and pretty with the shells. Yes, I also use treasures to design around. Makes it so fun using what you already have in new ways.
I could see your windows with long sheers to the floor very wispy and light, pulled back to show the window for a light framing look. I know you will figure out something perfect. Your talents overflow sweets.
Love the pretty tea cups and plates.
I can just see the cow looking through the window. Makes me smile!!
Have a great week.
hugs, Celestina Marie
What a pretty room Ele! I am looking for a blue paint for my family room. What color/ brand did you use?
I love the pale blue. It is so soothing. I love your plate wall and the floral paiting. Beautiful chandelier too. Very classy and relaxing room. You did a beautiful job!
So, very pretty!
m ^..^
Ele the room came out beautiful!I love the color.The room looks really bright now.I like the windows without curtains.When ya live out in woods who needs them.LOL I love your familys plate collection and love hearing about them too.That mirror dresser is so neat.I love them.The seashell vase is so neat oo.Love ya,Jen
What simple and beautiful treasures! And the stories they hold...
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Wow, so beautiful. I love the colors, the flowers, everything is so pretty.
Ele just stunning as always, but of course we all knew it would be!
Oh Ele, very pretty! love the stories that go with the china.
Love everything in your dining room.
I really like the color of your dining room walls.
Ele, I LOVE the blue on the walls! What a beautiful color choice! IT is looking GORGEOUS! Love the mirrored cabinet, too! Yes, I think it is so important to incorporate treasures in the decor! That's part of what makes a house a HOME! :)
I love it Ele!!!! The pale blue walls are so pretty and I LOVE that mirrored dresser!!!! I also love how you included your beautiful treasures.....I completely agree about using things you love and not just running out and buying "new".
The whole room is stunning!!!! :)
So pretty and romantic!!!! The seashell display is perfect.
For the windows I'm thinking sheer flowy white....ahhhhh dreamy! But the cows may want to look in at what's for dinner!
Either way, you did a really nice job.
Hi Ele! I think you've outdone yourself again. What a soft perfect shade of blue & I love the fabric you chose for the chair backs. I didn't realize how many of your treasures were passed down thru the family. Lucky you ~ and hide that hp coffee pot on the dining table if I ever come visit! Your new mirrored piece is a great addition to the room & I so love the swagged chandy in the corner by all your pretty plates!
Love you,
Angelic Accents
Hi Ele
Wow ,this was my very first visit to your awesome blog.
What an amazingly talented lady you are.
I love the before and after .
What a wonderful time you must have had ,and I am so in awe of the rich family heritage you have displayed with all your many special treasures.
Thank you so very much for sharing them.
Your photos are all just wonderful.
Thank you again for such a great time.
I will be back by again real soon !
Blessings to you and yours !!!
Truly stunning! Lucky me to be partnered up with such a talented lady like you!! :)
You and I are indeed Kindred Spirits!!! We have the same love of family and sentimentality. I decorate the same way you do to..incorporating those *things* loved from family friends and things I LOVE!
Of course Blue is my fav color and this is just so soft and soothing and I know your family will have many years of great times around your table.
As to curtains..I'd go soft..like sheers or lace...to keep things elegant yet simple and chic like your room already is!
I got my swap BOX in the mail yesterday too! Yeah...I am on the mend...little pain and feeling more energetic now!
Just beautiful Ele! So soothing and serene....xoxo AndieBee
Ele, Your dining room is gorgeous! You have some wonderful and meaningful treasures! I'll have to come back and see what you decide for window treatments. I am hopeless at picking them out and usually change my mind as soon as I have them hung.
What a stunning room!! It's like a book, ready to read. Fabulous family history there.
For the windows, I'd choose a soft gauzy bleached cotton for panels on the sides (to the floor) with a scarf up top in a swag treatment. Then a garland with flora of the season intertwined with the scarf.
BUT!! you have such great taste, you'll know when the time comes.
Aunt May's Cottage
It looks beautiful Ele, made extra special with all your heirlooms! Rachaelxo
I just love how your room turned out. So peaceful and classy. How wonderful to have a room with a view to the country and cows, too.
Have you ever thought about just painting the window frames white? I think it would go nicely with the blue on your walls and the other lovely white accents in the room. Then I would just leave them without any curtains or you might like some creamy white drapes that puddle to the floor.
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