Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Halloween Kitty & Banner Tutorial

In the last 10 years, I have brought home 6 pets; 3 dogs, 2 cats and a guinnea pig. When Pink Girl found a little black and white kitten in a parking lot, it was not a surprise that she could not leave the poor thing there and I could not say no. Noone has claimed this little one, so Mittens has a new home.

Isn't it cute how she matches the little glass Halloween kitty on the pin cushion made by Elizabeth Holcombe?

Look how Mittens matches this dress from Hannah Banana Baby!

I've been sewing fabric banners lately to offer on A Bit of Heaven Creations by Eleanor Erickson.

In case you want to make your own banner, here are the instructions:
* You will need 2 different types of fabric, 1/2 yard each. (This banner is two sided)
* 1 yd. Heat and Bond (the type you use for applique)
* Iron Heat and Bond to the back side of one fabric following instructions on pkg.
* Remove paper from Heat and Bond
* Position the back side of the second fabric to the backside of the first fabric. (Heat and Bond will be in the center). Iron together.
* Cut Material into desired triangle shape with a pinking sheers. I always make a pattern out of paper.
* You will have a two sided flag. I like to sew a decorative stitch about 1/4" from the edge of each flag, to make sure that the two fabrics stay bonded.
* Position flags as you want them. I like to alternate fabarics.
* Sew decorative trim across the top of each flag to attach the flags together.
* Sew ribbon on the ends so that you can tie it up!

Happy beginning of Fall!


Miss Rhea said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwe, Miss Kitty is a perfect match. :) Great banner tutorial. :) Your dolly came out sweet, Buuuuuuuuuuuuut I though for sure there would have been a Yo Yo on her somewhere !! lol !! :)

Connie said...

Ele, I love the shabby chic one the best but they are all lovely, sweetpea!

Cottage Way of Life said...

Ooh ... that mercury glass pumpkin is just too fabulous, as is the most adorable kitten! said...

Love the kitty! Thanks for the banner tutorial and your creations as always are lovely! Rachaelxo

Tara said...

what a wonderful banner and thanks for the how-to~


I love your mercury glass pumpkin.

Elizabeth Fedorko said...

How cool is it to see one of my creations admired by your kitty cat!!! Love your decorations! I adore the wonderful cone you made me last year and so look forward to displaying it!~~~XXOO, Beth

Jennifer said...

everything is so cute! your banners are awesome and mittens is the cutest kitten. yay!

Karin said...

The banner is so cute! I really want to make one.....

Barbara Jacksier said...

Can't I pretend it's summer just a little longer?

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Such a sweet kitty! And I love your banners ~ you always do the prettiest work!

That mercury glass pumpkin & the acorn are both very pretty!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Charmingdesigns said...

Where did you get that wonderful mercury glass pumpkin??? I'm in love. Laurie

LiLi M. said...

All gorgeous things! Happy beginning of fall too!

Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

ooooh Ele those banners are just beautiful...but what i really love about this post is MITTENS !
Oh please give her a squishy hug from me, she is so adorable !

Love Shann xx

Kara said...

oh god Ele how adorable are you Bunting - just so cute and I am in love with the Hannah Banana dress I am off to check if theres anything for the baby boy inside of me.
What a cute kitten I can see why you couldn't leave it there, I am thinking I would like to get a kitten before the baby is born.
I finally and I am terribly sorry posted your parcel by Airmail Monday they said it should be with you no later than 10 days, so let me know if you don't recieve it by the middle of next week
take care and love to the kitty

Anonymous said...

the banners are just lovely!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Ele, Your sweet Kitty is adorable. Love your new banners. Thank you for sharing the directions too. You inspire me to start some Fall decorating, but we are bracing for IKE now, so it will have to be next week.
Have a nice weekend.
Blessings, Celestina
la rea rose

One Shabby Old House said...

Hi Ele,
I love your banners! And I love that mercury glass pumpkin!
What a sweet kitty.

Jenni B said...

Eleanor, thank you so much for leaving your kind comments on my blog. You're so sweet! I love coming to visit and thank you for sharing your tutorial on those fabric banners. They're so darling and there are so many ways you can be creative with them!

Jenni B

Debbies-English-Treasures said...



Anonymous said...

I LOVE your banners I just bought fabric yesterday to make fall banners!! Thanks for the inspiration! Cute decor!

Sweetie said...

Thans so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I just don't know where to start.... Your banner instructions are wonderful. What a fun way to make seasonal changes. I love the pumpkin. The kitten is adorable.

KatCollects said...

Mittens is adorable! And I love the banners, I think I am going to try to make one, thank you so much!

Holly said...

Thanks for the directions for the banner, Ele! That's so sweet of you!

Have a glorious day!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

The kitty is so sweet looking, and Beths creation matches perfectly! I also like your banners. thanks for the tutorial. Susan

Joanne Kennedy said...

I love your little kitty. I also love those banners. You make them look so easy I may have to give them a try.


vivian said...

Hi Ele! love your banner! and the kitten is adorable!!

Deb said...

Hi Ele, thanks for stopping by and thanks for the compliment. I've just started about 3 weeks ago posting Fashion Fridays, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Your Mittens is so cute, I can tell you love her. I love the banners you've made and your fall decorations are beautiful too. Deb

Stink Bone Jones said...

Your banners are gorgeous! I will have to try one out sometime. Love the vintage looking silver pumpkin!

Linda said...

Hi Ele,
What a cutie mittens is, I don't blame you for keeping her. I love the banners that you have made. Hope you have a great week.
Cheers Linda

HippieDog said...

I love your banners Ele! Just wonderful! Maybe I could order a custom banner from you? please, please, please......

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Ele, what a sweet kitty! Thanks for the instrutions for the banner! You are a doll! Have a nice week. Hugs, Maryjane

Sandy said...

Thank you so much for the tutorial! You have given me a positively perfect idea! Your new family member is adorable.

Sandy said...

Thank you so much for the tutorial! You have given me a positively perfect idea! Your new family member is adorable.

Vintage Rose Collection said...

Hi Ele,
Your banners are lovely.. What a great idea!

Your cute kittey looks adorable in his new warm home..
Love to you and thanks for stopping by today!

Brown Bee Studio said...

How sweet of you to offer the tutorial Ele! Your banners are beautiful.
I'm afraid I would have had to rescue Mittens too....Adorable! xoxo

SweetAnnee said...

Oh thank you for the tutorial..and love your dolly kit..she turned out GREAT..

Where did you get that LOVELY mercury glass pumpkin, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!


Farmchick said...

Love the new look....and of course the kitty--such a cutie patootie!!!

Saucy said...

I am hosting a Halloween swap over at my blog if you are interested... it is bound to be a little vintage and a little spooky!


Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Hi Ele! Your banners are so cute! Love the scarecrow one!! Great tutorial on how to make them, too.

Your cat is just adorable!!!!!!!

Becky said...

I don't know which banner I like best!

One Shabby Old House said...

Everything look either sew pretty or cute as can be.
You are inspiring me to get out my sewing maching and create.

Melissa Lester said...

Your blog is so absolutely lovely! I found myself scrolling down and down and down, taking in all your sweet projects. I am a "pink girl" myself, so love your soft colors and romantic aethetic. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog so I could follow the links back to yours!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

What pretty banners! I've done them in paper, but like this tutorial for the fabric banner! I'll have to give this a try :)

Thanks for coming to visit me, you'll have to check back, I've got a Giveaway going on now!


M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

I see you're a lover of fabic just like me. Dangerous. : )

The Vintage Kitten said...

Hello, Thankyou so much for your support and lovely comment left on Debbies blog. Everyone has been so kind. I really do appreciate the time you took to pop over to my friends blog to leave a message. Hopefully the person concerned will get bored. Your blog is beautiful and such a cute cat, what a lovely face. Thanks again, Mandy X

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Cute kitty! Nice banners, too. Oh and the mercury glass pumpkin is so unique!



I've been wanting a Christmas style banner but I can't seem to find one I like on ebay or etsy, and they've looked too daunting to make on my own because I don't sew...until I read your tutorial, and I think I will give it a try! Thanks for posting this!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Did you get the Mercury glass pumpkin at Marshall's? I saw one there (love it!) I bought an orange "Mercury" glass pumpkin there. I'll feature it on my blog in the next few days.
