I can't sit still. Even in front of a TV, I can't sit still.
Any time I have to sit still, I have a bag of handwork in front of me.

Sweet Beth sent me tons of beautiful vintage buttons. In my handwork bag, I put in a piece of fabric (a great piece that says, "hope, love, charity, faith"), a needle, thread, and my wonderful bag of buttons. The next time I was forced to sit still, these hearts transpired.
I "heart" the vintage buttons and was drawn to the soothing shades of cream and white. CRAFT TIP: I sewed the buttons on freehand, but if you want to draw a shape on your fabric first, a blue embroidery pen is great. This pen draws in a light blue color, and the ink disappears when touched with water.
I had to show a closeup of this stunning button.

I think I might frame one of these hearts in a shadow box. Do you have any other ideas?
Any time I have to sit still, I have a bag of handwork in front of me.

Sweet Beth sent me tons of beautiful vintage buttons. In my handwork bag, I put in a piece of fabric (a great piece that says, "hope, love, charity, faith"), a needle, thread, and my wonderful bag of buttons. The next time I was forced to sit still, these hearts transpired.

I had to show a closeup of this stunning button.

I think I might frame one of these hearts in a shadow box. Do you have any other ideas?
I was just sitting here surfing after I put pink saturday blog on schedule and saw you come on, chick. I love how you formed the buttons into a heart for that. Really cute, honey.
I have an idea...make lots of these for Valentine's Day and make yourself a fortune! This is so very pretty. Great idea!
How lovely! And inspirational too!
I LOVE vintage buttons! I am always on the lookout for them. Boy, the stories they would have if they could talk!
This is so charming!
I heart vintage buttons too! your design is such a feminine piece, maybe you could make it into a small pillow for a chair or bed. I just got a bunch of vintage aqua buttons on ebay. I was so excited when they came but my husband just looked at me like I was insane. Which I am when it comes to buttons.
Ele, that looks so pretty...they would be very nice framed in a shadowbox...what a sweet idea!!!
Those buttons are so lovely! Framed inside a shadowbox sounds like a great idea!!
I know what you mean about keeping busy!! I can't sit down and watch TV either without working on something, lol!
Applique one to the front of a lace pillow!
YOU need to come to MY house. My obssession with vintage buttons has left me with about eight to ten POUNDS of them. Yup yup. Soothing to sort, too.
Some come on over!
I love buttons and have thousands. What a great idea!
Doesn't mean I'll actually do anything with them, but it's nice to know I can.
I just found your blog and it is right up my alley. I'll be back.
I gave you a blogger award! You can go to my page to check it out! Thanks for inspiring!
Ele, Such pretty buttons! I really enjoyed the pevious post too! I have many silks that look real and so enjoy them! In the mid-west you know those fresh just don't last due to our heating either!! Ele, we'll just have to remember we'll have gardens full one day again!! Love,Lori
oh, I love those buttons and they are so beautifully arranged and would look lovely as a brooch, on a stuffed heart, in a collage,on a pillow.. I too love the cream/white colors together. So soothing to the eye. It is a pure, clean look.. You are so talented you will come up with a beautiful idea.. Have a great weekend.
Hi Eleanor...I was just directed to your blog...love it. Your button hearts are fantastic. If it were me...I'd probably decorate a blouse or a vest with them...maybe even a tote bag. Another idea...I'd create something like a very flat pillow...tiny bit of fluff in it...lace around it...just the right size for the top of a box. Maybe a box to hold vintage buttons or photos. Thank you for sharing. I've enjoyed browsing.
Blessings, Susie
I LOVE old buttons any way shape or form...I put them in every kind of cache!!!
peek in soon...it's makeover season
These are just beautiful! I'm glad that you posted the mega detail photo too!
Oh how beautiful! My goodness...that WOULD look stunning in a shadow box! wowee...Now I want to go out and but buttons lol. Lovely, lovely blog...
I am the same, have to have something in my hands to do! Love your button heart, I like the idea of a shadow box! Rachaelxo
Hello Ele, how sweet these are! I can't sit idle either. I'm always doing something! I love to keep busy! I also loved your little church view from your kitchen window. Such a peaceful scene to look at!
BLess you, SHirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Hi elenor, just found your blog....was drawn to it becasue of the title. I love old buttons. I have several tins of them and am always looking for ways of using them. I have a small accent lamp that had a plain white shade on it. One day I looked at it and thought, glue old buttons onto the shade. I ended up maing two of them. One with different colored buttons which I gave to my sister in law and the second one I used all white, cream and mother of pearl buttons. I made them about 10 years ago and not one button has ever fallen off. Best of all, I love it because I get to see some of my collection of old buttons everyday. Good luck with our blog, count me as one of your followers! Pat
I really like the way you made use of these great buttons. I have a ton of buttons I have purchased through out the years, and I do not know what to do with them. Thanks for the neat idea.
Your hearts are lovely! The vintage buttons look so pretty on the white fabric!
Ele the hearts are so pretty.I love those vintage buttons.
Is it still snowing there.Sure is here well it was for weeks mainly got alot of ice the snow isn't too bad.Its beautiful today and there calling for snow tonight again.UGGGG
Your church veiw is just beautiful.WHat a veiw to have everyday.You must love it.I think I would shovel a path to it so I could get to my crafts though.LOLI love silk flowers and do not think there is a thing wrong with them.As a floarl designer I know many houses are full of silks.I would make arrangements all day long when I worked at the florist and they would sell like hotcakes.Hugs!Love ya,Jen
Those buttons are beautiful, I love all the neutral colors. They would look good in glass containers, Mason jars, apothecary jars, crystal vases, tea cups, or cut glass dishes. There are so many options. Put them around where you can see and enjoy them!
I should have known you would also love beautiful buttons! Me, too! Your idea to create button hearts is fabulous! They look gorgeous! (By the way, I am also one who MUST be doing something! If I just sit for any length of time, I feel I'm wasting my hours!)
I love buttons too. The hearts you made with them are very sweet!
How beautiful.
Ele, you & I would have such fun sewing together!! I ADORE these!!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hi Ele,
Love the cream shades and white for the buttons. Beautiful together. Framing sounds nice. I too, always have something to work on when sitting. Never could sit still.
Thanks for the emb.pen tip.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
That is so sweet. I need to find a sit down craft. I am always seeing such fun crafts to try.
Love the buttons.
You got buttons from Beth, how cool! She does find the best stuff! I love the heart buttons and framing them sounds like a great idea!
That sounds just like me! I feel like I MUST be doing something at all times! I am so envious of those buttons!!! wish someone would gift me with buttons! So sweet of her. Those hearts are dreamy~
Hi Ele!
More sweet creativity!! Awesome :D
Hope your week is off to a sweet start!
p.s. I left an award for you on my blog post today!
hi ele
what beautiful buttons! Love the
heart shape you made with the buttons.
Oh yes, frame those hearts...so pretty.
Oh wow, I am in love with your blog! What a cute layout!
Ele, this is lovely. I like this idea. I bought an enormous jar this summer with old buttons in it. I will have to do this. Thanks for the beautiful inspiration. I'd make more....if you have plenty of buttons. Just beautiful!
Ele, those buttons look so romantic! The soft whites in the heart shape, just lovely. I have so many old buttons and I NEED to do something with them, lol! I love what you did! Beautiful idea :)
It's been said already but little pillows would be lovely.
I adore vintage buttons ...and how very cute ...a button heart!
Hope you are having a great week.
have enjoyed reading a few of your posts today! Thanks for sharing such beauty! I think your silk flowers are look gorgeous and so appropriate for those that live in snow throughout the winter! Love the button hearts!
Hi there!!
I love the way the button heart came up! Super pretty!!
Really pretty buttons. Love them in a heart shape. I have a couple of jars of them and still haven't decided what to create with them yet.
I keep thinking a small button wreath with some seam binding might be mighty purdy? Whatcha think?
xo Cath
Ele, I love buttons too and that is a pretty way to use them. I love to sort through my buttons and using them is always hard for me. Something like that heart is a nice way to use them and still have them to look at.
Those are so pretty...I think it will look great framed!
Love all the different shades of white.
Kimberly :)
Absolutely Beautiful! I Love it...Jamie
Ele, I have to tell you just how cute that little crayon caddy you sent to the baby is!! She just opened it yesterday and we both loved it! Of couse, every thing you make is always so pretty. I love my little journal too. Thanks so much.
Sooooooooooo gorgeous!!!
I love your blog it's so inspiring,
you are so talented!!
God bless you!
Those are some pretty amazing buttons! Very cute idea sewing them into the hearts! Very very cute!
Oh, I love these so much... They are just making me feel a bit miserable, because my mother and I sorted a beautiful set of similar buttons from her collection at Christmas, I brought them home to get to work and ...? I have no idea where I've put them! When I find them at least I'll remember your inspiration.
Oh so pretty.
Ele, Hope you had a sugery sweet Valentines day! Love,Lori
This was a very lovely idea, the heart shaped buttons could be used on so many different things. Love it!
I love your buttons!!! Laurie
Love your sweet buttons girlie!!
xo Heather
Really lovely and very clever, Elle!
I found my buttons! I am so delighted, and hope it will be OK to put a link from my blog to yours, so that people can get some ideas about what I might be able to do with my buttons. Thanks for your inspiration. Hope all is well with you,
Buttons and glass door knobs...both make me smile. Those are unique treasures---love your hearts!
I love this. My friend did an initial one with her buttons. I need to get off my bum and create some button art, thanks for the inspiration!
Hi Ele! Your so sweet to think of me!! :) We had some sickness in the family last week and I have been so tired. I am actually planning to post today, lol! I hope you had a wonderful vacation and cant wait to hear all about it :)
Love and hugs,
I just found your blog thru a comment on Saucy & Loopy and love your button hearts! I just made note of the idea, I think it would be a perfect gift for one of my dear friends. Thanks for sharing!
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