Molly of Fleur De Bee and I had a private swap with what else, a bird theme! Look at the beautiful nest she created for me!
What is inside the nest? Beautiful silvered eggs, a fan of sheet music, a vintage pin, and luscious ribbons are found in this nest. It's a lucky bird that lives here!
accented it quite as well. She's such an artist!
Oh my, she's quite the looker too! This mama bird is all dolled up with a foofy pink hairdo and a silvered beak!
She has come to watch over her precious eggs.
Hi Ele, I stopped back to see if anymore posted from the swap and found this beautiful nest you received. How pretty, love it! How sweet of Mr. Pink Heaven to make you coffee everyday. I love to listen to the birds too!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Yeah Shirl, the pink man is pretty darn sweet!
You lucky girl! Those are so neat! I just love that bird's "hair" lol.
All the best,
Listening to the bird's singing is one of the sweetest sounds on earth!
Oh, that is so precious, chickee. I wish I had someone to make one of those for. It would probably just sit around my house with all the other "stuff" though and I am truly "unstuffing" this house, sugar!
Oh! That is just so darling! :)
Oh, sooo pretty!! What a wonderful swap gift.
What a wonderful way to start the day. I love that pink bird. What a darling beak.
That nest is so sweet, xv.
So cute! I love the pink bird.
that is one beautiful nest...the pink curly bird is just adorable!!!
Sooooo cute!
I just found your lovely blog and I'm glad I did!
Federica from Italy.
Another delightful gift! You 'crafty' people are so fun to visit...always something gorgeous to see!
Hi Ele, Oh your swap gift is beautiful. I love this nest and the colors so perfect for you.
Your early coffee sounds wonderful as you take in the sounds of the morning birds. How sweet your MR.Pink Heaven is!!
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Ele what a gorgeous swap gift.
So pretty
Oooooooh that pink birdie is SOOOO cute!!!! Such an adorable gift!!!
I absolutely adore those gorgeous birds nests- they took my breathe away!!!! and i'm smitten by the eggs dipped in silver glitter, i can't take my eyes off them!!! please keep up the beautiful posts i just love them. talk about pretty in pink!
How beautiful and delicate I love the colour combination... you are a very lucky lady... take care and big hugs
X Alex
Oh Ele, that is so pretty, you are
one lucky lady! Have a great weekend.
Hi Ele,
Love the beautiful pink bird and the nest is adorable.
I have a wonderful pink man too! We are so lucky.
xo Cath
Eeek! So many post compliments here for me...aww thanks Ele! This was sooo much fun to do! Posted more of your pics on my blog too. Thanks for taking them!
xo Molly
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